Wednesday Evening Bible Study

Our Wednesday Evening Bible Study runs through the school year (September through June) each year.  It's made up of individuals passionate about growing as disciples and knowledge of the faith.  The group works through various resources throughout the year.  They meet on Wednesdays from 6:30 to around 8:30 pm in our St. Jane Room located at the back of the parish office which is across the parking lot from the church on 13th Street.  You can enter using the back door on the right that faces the church.

CATOLICISMO: Las Figuras Esenciales

El obispo Robert Barron creó este Programa de Estudio para ayudarnos a profundizar, de manera temática, en las verdades de fe que los católicos creemos, de manera que cualquier adulto pueda entrar en una comprensión más profunda de su fe. 

Un Paseo Bíblico a través de la Misa

por Dr. Edward Sri

Este programa de cinco partes, lleva a los participantes por un recorrido emocionante a través de la Liturgia. Explora las raices bíblicas de las palabras y los gestos que usamos en la Misa y explica su profundo significado. Entienda, tal vez por primera vez, porque decimos lo que decimos y hacemos lo que hacemos cada semana en la Misa. Las palabras y los gestos serán vistos en una nueva luz, que dará vida nueva a su experiencia litúrgica.

Abriendo el misterio de la Biblia

por Jeff Cavins y Sarah Christmyer

Un recorrido cautivador por la Biblia

Este estudio de ocho partes (sesiones de 30 minutos) ofrece la manera más fácil de entender la Biblia. Abriendo el misterio de la Biblia hace sencillo lo complejo. Le ayuda a descubrir la historia entrelazada en toda la Sagrada Escritura para que puede ver el “panorama completo” de la Biblia y comprender de qué se trata. La Biblia es la historia sobre el amor fiel del Padre hacia usted – un amor que ahora usted está llamado a compartir con los demás.

Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible

by Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer

An Engaging Journey Through the Bible

This eight-part study (30-minute sessions) provides the easiest way to understand the Bible. Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible makes the complex simple. It helps you uncover the story woven throughout Scripture so that you can get the “big picture” of the Bible and understand what it is all about. The Bible is a story about the Father’s unfailing love for you - a love that you are now called to share with others.

Into the Heart: A Journey Through the Theology of the Body

by Christopher West

Into the Heart is the recommended follow-up to An Introduction to the Theology of the Body. This is a 16-part study that moves you deeper into this life-changing message, enabling you to apply and integrate it into every aspect of your life. Here you will be given the tools to develop the sacramental worldview so crucial to living an authentic human sexuality. You will learn what saints and mystics alike have always known: a life of ecstasy and deep union with God is not only possible - it is actually a lot closer than you think. For group or private study.

Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed

by Bishop Robert Barron

Walk through the Liturgy of the Mass with Bishop Barron and you'll be transformed through insights on this most privileged and intimate encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ.

See how the Mass brings us out of the fallen world and into the heavenly realm, how it resonates with a call from God and a response from his people, the Church, and, most importantly, how we are intimately joined with the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus through the Holy Eucharist.

The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation

by Jeff Cavins, Tim Gray, and Sarah Christmyer

This is the foundational study in The Great Adventure Bible Study Series that has helped hundreds of thousands of Catholics learn to read the Bible.

The Bible Timeline is a fascinating study that takes participants on a journey through the entire Bible. They will go deep into each period of salvation history and discover the amazing story woven throughout all of Scripture. Using a unique color-coded system, they will learn the major people, places, and events of the Bible and see how they all come together to reveal the remarkable story of our faith. The Bible Timeline has been granted the Imprimatur.

Oremus (latin for “let us pray”)

by Fr. Mark Toups

Oremus is a Catholic prayer study program that will teach you the essentials of a fruitful prayer life.

“Say Your Prayers”

Do you find it easy to pray? Is prayer an integral part of your day? Do you hear God’s voice in your daily life, and know how to respond accordingly?

For many of us, the answer to these questions is, “no.” We all desire an intimate relationship with God. But, since learning to “say our prayers” as children, we never moved beyond rote recitation to an authentic conversation with God.