
The Holy Bible

There are many great study bibles and guides to help you read scripture (the Bible).  The RCIA process gives ample opportunities to read and study scripture, but home study is also very important.  The USCCB has an online copy of the NAB and a study guide (though it doesn’t replace a good study bible).  Here is an article about how to choose a good bible and some tips on reading the bible.

Catholics Come Home

This website offers special information for those interested in joining the Catholic Church.  They have videos, blogs, and articles to help you discern God’s call for you.  Learn more

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

The website offers answers to some of the initial questions you might have about the process for the Christian Initiation of Adults.  Learn more

United States Catholic Catechism for Adults

This book is a great readable resource covering most of the Catholic faith (creed, sacraments, morality, and prayer). It generally costs $24.95 and can be found at most popular book purchasing websites or the USCCB’s online book store. Preview the text by clicking here.  ISBN: 978-1-57455-450-2

Basics of the Catholic Faith by Bill, Patty, and Lisa Coleman

This book is a practical and appealing reference tool including information about Jesus and his message, the Bible and the people and events in it, the Mass and the sacraments and their rituals, and the church and its beliefs, its saints, its prayers, and its traditions. The book normally costs $12.95. Preview the book by clicking here. ISBN : 1-58595-109-9

What Catholics Believe: Exploring Our Faith Today by Joan Pahl Morris

The author of this book covers the beliefs of Catholics, but looks at how the Catholic faith was expressed before Vatican II and how the understanding has developed and been enriched in the years since. The book normally costs $10.95. Preview the book by clicking here.  ISBN: 9-781585-952632

Church Tour

Below is a video that explains what you see in a Catholic Church. We offer special tours at St. Francis de Sales for those interested in becoming Catholic. Contact Ricardo Valdez ( in the parish office to schedule a tour.

Living as Disciples - Precepts of the Church

Here are some of the foundational responses to Christ that we as Catholics are called to live as found in the Precepts of the Church. These are the minimum actions and it’s important to get started during the RCIA process.

Attend Mass on Sunday and on holy days of obligation and rest from servile labor (work and activities that get in the way of worship).

  • The Saturday vigil Mass counts for your Sunday obligation.
  • The holy days of obligation in the U.S. are Mary the Mother of God, the Ascension, the Assumption, All Saints, the Immaculate Conception, and Christmas.
  • If you are sick, caring for a sick person, or physically unable to reach Mass, it is not a grave violation to miss Mass.

Observe the days of fasting and abstinence from meat.

  • Catholics age 18 to 59 are required to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. You may eat one full meal and two smaller meals that do not together exceed the size of the full meal. The elderly, the sick or infirm, pregnant or nursing women, and some manual laborers are exempt from fasting.
  • Catholics age 14 and older are required to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all Fridays during Lent. Abstinence from meat is strongly recommended on all Fridays, but not required. The abstinence comes in remembrance and thanksgiving of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross on a Friday.

Go to confession at least once a year and receive the Eucharist at least once during the Easter season. (Only baptized persons can celebrate this sacrament)

Help to provide for the needs of the Church according to your ability.