
Palm Sunday – April 5

Jesus Christ is the King of Kings, and we celebrate him as such with palms. He is human at the same time, and the King of Kings dies a in a terrible way.

10:30 am – Mass (English)

12:30 pm – Mass (Spanish)

If you are able, look for small boughs from trees, perhaps a pine tree, that you can bring inside for your prayers.

Pray together:

O God, increase our faith, and deepen the faith of everyone who hopes in You.

Hear our prayers. Graciously listen to us and to all people who seek your help.

We are your people, and today we lift high these branches (or our hearts)

In recognition that you are our King. We welcome Christ in His triumph.

May our loving service of the King bear good fruit through Your grace and help.

We ask this through Him who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

Read together: Matthew 21:1-11

Share: What you would like to pray for, people you want God to bless. Conclude your prayer with the Our Father.

Additional Resources:

Holy Thursday – April 9

It is a sadness we cannot celebrate the Lord’s Supper today on the day that Christ established the Eucharist. Take heart, however, that you can celebrate at your home one of the richest parts of the celebration—the foot washing. Gather together this evening for prayers. To prepare, have a pitcher/jug of warm water, towels and a big bowl.

7:00 pm – Mass of the Lord's Supper (trilingual)

Pray together:

This is a mystery revealed by Jesus Christ:

Where true charity is present, God is also present.

Because we gather in a spirit of Love, God is here with us.

May we find in God and in each other the joy to which we are called.

May we love and revere our God, the God of the Living,

And in a similar way love and revere each other.

Wherever there is love, God is there.

Because we love each other, God is here.

Read: John 13:1-15

Share: If possible, have each person wash someone else’s feet and each person should have their feet washed by another person. When washing a person’s feet say: “God loves you. I love you. Love and serve your friends and family.” At the end of the foot washing, share the names of other people you want God to bless, and pray the Our Father together.

Additional Resource:

At home this year, try to do your best to do a Seder Meal. Watch the video here to encounter some connections between the Jewish Passover and the Catholic Mass. Try your best at having a Seder Meal at home! Learn more...

In depth directions on how to do a Seder Meal at home 

Good Friday – April 10

Gather together today. Place a crucifix (or a cross) in a place that everyone can see it. If you have a candle, light that and put it near the crucifix.

1:00 pm – Celebration of the Passion of the Lord (bilingual)

4:00 pm – Via Crucis (Stations of the Cross)

Pray together:

Remember your mercies, O Lord,

And make all of us holy. We are Your servants;

We are the people for whom Christ Your Son,

Established the Paschal Mystery by the shedding of His blood.

You are God who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

Read: John 18:1-19:42

Share: A period of silence together. Then a leader reads aloud:

We adore your cross, O Lord.

We praise and glorify your Resurrection,

For behold, because of the wood of a tree

Joy has come into the whole world.

[Each person present now reverences the cross with a genuflect, bow, or kiss.]

May God have mercy on us and bless us;

May he let his face shed its light upon us

And have mercy on us.

We adore you, O Christ, and we praise You.

Because by Your holy cross you have redeemed the world. Amen.

Additional Resource:

Spend some time in prayer contemplating this image by the painter Titian.  What do you want to say to Christ as he carries the cross? What do you want to say the man helping? What other details in the painting do you notice? 

Holy Saturday – April 11

Yesterday Jesus was crucified. Today he lies dead in the tomb. Today is a day for quiet activities if possible. Have a small bowl of water present.

9:00 pm – Easter Vigil (trilingual)


Dear family, Christ has died, and today we observe the solemn Vigil.

Let us listen with quiet hearts to the Word of God.

We hear now how God in times past saved His people,

And we know that today, God’s saving action continues.

God has sent his Son as our Redeemer.

Let us pray that our God may complete this paschal work of salvation

By the fullness of redemption.

Read: (all or any combination of the following) Genesis 1:1-2:2; Genesis 22:1-18; Exodus 14:15-15:1; Isaiah 55:1-11; Romans 6:3-11; Matthew 28:1-10

Share: Christ has saved us through His life, death, and resurrection. By our baptism, we are part of the resurrected Body of Christ. Each person dips their hand into the bowl of water and makes the Sign of the Cross. Pray the Our Father together.

Additional Resources:

  • In some Christian communities, there is a gathering on Holy Saturday to read the entire text of the Gospel according to St. John. Today set aside three hours. Either read the Gospel of John or watch this video which is a faithful reading of the text along with actors portraying the action.  

  • If you have Netflix in your home, there is another (even better!) depiction of the Gospel of John. 

Easter Sunday – April 12

10:30 am – Mass (English) & 12:30 pm – Mass (Spanish)


O God, on this day,

Through the work of Your only Son, Jesus Christ,

You have conquered death

And unlocked for us the path to eternal life.

Grant all of us a renewal brought about by Your Holy Spirit,

That we might rise up in the light of life.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Read: John 20:1-9

Share: Ask each other, what has been special about Holy Week for you this year? What do you miss this year that we couldn’t do? What did you like that we can do again next year? How has God touched your heart?

At the conclusion of the sharing, pray: “Christ our Passover has been sacrificed, alleluia! Therefore les us keep the celebration going, alleluia! Jesus Christ has truly risen, alleluia! He has risen indeed, alleluia!” Pray Glory Be together.

Additional Resources

Celebrating Holy Week as a Family

Whether you typically celebrate Holy Week as a family or not, we invite you to be extra intentional about how you celebrate this very special week this year.  Below are some resources families can use to help decide how you can help your family enter more deeply into what we call the Paschal Mystery or life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ this week.  

Celebrating Holy Week Isolated from Others

Whether you are living alone or don't have others who will celebrate Holy Week with you, we encourage you to connect with others online to celebrate this special week.  You can use the guide above as a basis for pray with someone using Google Hangouts or some other video chat platform.  You can also connect with other parishioners using our Facebook Group.  


Live Streaming

Our live streamed liturgies can be accessed at, on our Facebook page (, or our YouTube channel (  There are instructions on our website on how to access our live stream via Apple TV and Roku as well.