

Easter Sunday | Domingo de Pascua
Sunday, April 20, | Domingo, 20 de abril
8:30 am - English
10:30 am - English
12:30 pm - Espanol

Divine Mercy Sunday I Domingo de la Divna Misericordia 
Sunday, April 27, I Domingo 27 de Abril
Weekend Masses I Misas de Fin de Semana

Ascension of the Lord I Asención del Señor
Thursday May 29, I Jueves 29 de Mayo
Weekend Masses I Misas de Fin de Semana

Pentecost I Pentecostés
Sunday, June 8, I Sábado 8 de junio
Weekend Masses I Misas de Fin de Semana

Back to Holy Week Page I Regresar a la Página de la Semana Santa 

Come, celebrate the great gift of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ here at St. Francis de Sales.  The celebration of Easter continues until the Feast of Pentecost where the apostles received the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Whether you are looking to join us for Mass for the first time, you have come from time to time, or you come every week, this is a time for us to gather together and give praise and glory to our Lord who loves us so much that he has sent his beloved Son to die for our sins and raise us to new life.

Pictures from Holy Week and Easter 2023 
Pictures from Holy Week and Easter 2019
Pictures from Holy Week and Easter 2018

Easter Vigil

The Easter Vigil is the "Mother of All Vigils."Easter Sunday, then, is the greatest of all Sundays, and Easter Time is the most important of all liturgical times.Easter is the celebration of the Lord's resurrection from the dead, culminating in his Ascension to the Father and sending of the Holy Spirit upon the Church.There are 50 days of Easter from the first Sunday to Pentecost.It is characterized, above all, by the joy of glorified life and the victory over death, expressed most fully in the great resounding cry of the Christian: Alleluia! All faith flows from faith in the resurrection:"If Christ has not been raised, then empty is our preaching; empty, too, is your faith." (1 Cor 15:14) - (from USCCB website)


Resources for the Family

About the Easter Vigil

About the Season of Easter



Feliz Pascua! La palabra “Pascua” proviene del inglés antiguo, que significa el “paso” a través de la muerte hacia la resurrección, es un símbolo para los cristianos de la resurrección de Cristo, quien es la verdadera Luz del mundo. El Tiempo Pascual es el más importante de todos los tiempos litúrgicos. Se caracteriza, sobre todo, por la alegría de la vida glorificada y la victoria sobre la muerte, expresada más plenamente en la gran resonante aclamación del cristiano: ¡Aleluya! Toda la fe fluye de la resurrección: "Si Cristo no ha resucitado, vana es nuestra predicación; vana, también es nuestra fe." I  Exsultet: El Pregón Pascual

Recursos de la Pascua