Since the beginning of Christianity, Catholics have gone to the Holy Land on pilgrimage. This year God has given me the opportunity to accompany a group of pilgrims as spiritual director to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. Our group will be traveling through the Holy Land from October 9 to October 18.

During this time my brother priests will be celebrating masses at St Francis de Sales. The only day that we were not able to find a substitute was Wednesday, Deacon Edwin will be leading a prayer service during that mass time.   Please note that there will be no confessions on Wednesdays during this time either.

Throughout the course of the pilgrimage, I will be praying for you and your family. I would like to ask the same from you, please keep our pilgrims in your daily prayers. Fr Luis Garcia

“His parents went to Jerusalem every year for the Passover festival. When he was twelve years old, they went up to the feast as usual” (Luke 2:41-42)

Desde los inicios del cristianismo, los católicos han ido en peregrinación a Tierra Santa. Este año Dios me ha dado la oportunidad de acompañar a un grupo de peregrinos como director espiritual para caminar tras los pasos de Jesús. Nuestro grupo viajará por Tierra Santa del 9 al 18 de octubre.

Durante este tiempo mis hermanos sacerdotes celebrarán misas en San Francis de Sales. El único día que no pudimos encontrar un sustituto fue el miércoles, el diácono Edwin dirigirá un servicio de oración durante ese tiempo de misa. Tengan encuentra que tampoco habrá confesiones los miércoles durante este tiempo.

Durante el transcurso de la peregrinación, estaré orando por usted y su familia. Me gustaría pediros lo mismo, por favor tened a nuestros peregrinos en vuestras oraciones diarias. P. Luis García

“Sus padres iban todos los años a Jerusalén para la fiesta de la Pascua. Cuando tenía doce años, subieron a la fiesta como de costumbre” (Lucas 2:41-42)


Tuesday October 10

  • 8:00am           English Mass and adoration                     

Wednesday October 11

  • Not Confessions
  • 6:30pm           Holy hour                                                      

Friday October 13

  • 12:10pm         English mass                                               

Saturday October 14

  • 2:30pm           Confessions                                                
  • 4:00pm           Mass                                                              

Sunday October 15

  • 8:30am           Mass                                                              
  • 10:30am         Mass                                                              
  • 12:30pm         Spanish Mass                                              

Tuesday October 17

  • 8:00am           English Mass and adoration                     

Wednesday October 18

  • Not Confessions
  • 6:30pm           Holy hour                                                      

Friday October 20

  • 12:10pm         English mass