July 4th marks special anniversary for the Cathedral of Saint Andrew

July 4 not only marks the celebration of our country’s independence, but it is also the anniversary of the re-dedication of the Cathedral of Saint Andrew, thus making it an official feast day for the Diocese of Grand Rapids.

Following a devastating fire in 1901, the cathedral was restored, expanded and then re-dedicated and consecrated during celebrations on July 4, 1903, involving thousands of Grand Rapids citizens and parishioners as well as bishops, priests, local officials, and the apostolic delegate to the United States.

Mass will be celebrated July 4 at 9 a.m. to mark the occasion of the re-dedication and our country’s independence.

To learn more about the Cathedral’s history, visit You can also watch The Chair on YouTube which highlights America’s cathedrals, exploring the rich fabric and diversity of the Catholic Church through the eyes of the local bishop. Search ‘The Chair: Grand Rapids, MI’ on YouTube to find our episode.

Host a Bowl Painting Party for Catholic Charities' Soup's On Event

No matter your artistic abilities, bowl painting parties are a great way to have fun with your family and friends while supporting God's Kitchen! Catholic Charities will provide you with kits that include paint, instructions, and bowls – providing everything you need to let your creativity run wild! It is $10 to keep the bowl or $8 to donate it back to CCWM for their annual Soup's On for All event - or paint two - donate one and keep one for $15. To set up a bowl painting party, contact Jean Sullivan at 616-204-3706 or

Organice una fiesta de pintura de tazones para el evento "Soup's On" de Caridades Católicas

Independientemente de tus habilidades artísticas, las fiestas de pintura de tazones son una excelente manera de divertirte con tu familia y amigos mientras apoyas a God's Kitchen (La cocina de Dios). Caridades Católicas le proporcionará set de artículos que incluyen pintura, instrucciones y tazones, ¡con todo lo que necesita para dar rienda suelta a su creatividad! Cuesta $ 10 para quedarse con el tazón o $ 8 para donarlo a CCWM para su evento anual Soup's On for All, o pintar dos, donar uno y quedarse con uno por $ 15. Para organizar una fiesta de pintura de cuencos, póngase en contacto con Jean Sullivan at 616-204-3706 or

Open your heart and home to a foster child in need / Abre tu corazón y tu hogar a un niño(a) de acogida necesitado(a)

Catholic Charities West Michigan is in desperate need of caring individuals to open their home to a foster child and show children the love they deserve. Please contact Alix Wanlass at for more information on the numerous ways you can help.

 Caridades Católicas del Oeste de Michigan necesitan desesperadamente personas solidarias que abran su hogar a un niño de acogida y les muestren el amor que merecen. Póngase en contacto con Alix Wanlass en para obtener más información sobre las numerosas formas en que puede ayudar.

The Diocese of Grand Rapids invites parents who have experienced the loss of a child before baptism to a Mass for God’s Children

Thursday, Nov. 2, 7 p.m.

Cathedral of Saint Andrew

301 Sheldon SE, Grand Rapids

If you would like to reserve a memorial rose and have your child(ren) remembered on a naming card, please contact Jennifer Baxter before Oct. 26 by calling 616-288-0908 or email:

All are welcome to attend including parents, grandparents, siblings, relatives, and friends. Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Jim Wyse, pastor of St. Joseph-St. Mary Parish, Belding and St. Charles Borromeo Parish, Greenville.

La Diócesis de Grand Rapids invita a los padres de familia que han sufrido la pérdida de un niño antes del bautismo

Misa por los Hijos de Dios

Celebrado por el Padre Jim Wyse

El jueves, 2 de noviembre, 7:00p.m.

Catedral de San Andrés

301 Sheldon SE, Grand Rapids

Se proporcionará una rosa conmemorativa y una tarjeta con el nombre del niño(s) para las familias que han perdido un hijo. Si desea reservar una rosa y que su hijo(s) sea recordado en una tarjeta, favor de ponerse en contacto con Jennifer Baxter antes del 26 de octumbre llamando

616-288-0908 o por correo electrónico:

Todos son bienvenidos a participar incluyendo los padres, abuelos,hermanos, parientes y amigos.


Day of Prayer and Fasting / Dia de Oración y Ayuno

Pope calls for day of prayer, fasting for peace in the Holy Land Oct. 27 / El Papa convoca a una jornada de oración y ayuno por la paz en Tierra Santa el 27 de octubre.

For more information click on the link Pope calls for day of prayer, fasting for peace in the Holy Land Oct. 27 - Diocese of Grand Rapids ( 

 Para obtener más información, haga clic en el enlace Pope calls for day of prayer, fasting for peace in the Holy Land Oct. 27 - Diocese of Grand Rapids ( 


2023 Gallagher Talk featuring author and film-maker Gerard Straub

Thursday, Sept. 28 | 7-8:30 p.m.

From filming the poor to living with the poor, author and filmmaker Gerard Straub discovered a wisdom that can only be learned by living the Gospel in a radical way. His life is a journey from the glamour of Hollywood to a slum in Port-au-Prince where today Gerry operates a home of hope and healing for 60 abandoned kids. During the past 8 years, Gerry has turned the early morning hours into the time of attending to his own inner spiritual poverty. The fruit of living in a busy orphanage and finding the lonely hours of silence are the spiritual lessons that are a prophetic message for our time.

Register at 

2023 Gallagher Talk con el autor y cineasta Gerard Straub

Jueves 28 de septiembre | 7-8:30 p. m.

Desde filmar a los pobres hasta vivir con los pobres, el autor y cineasta Gerard Straub descubrió una sabiduría que solo se puede aprender viviendo el Evangelio de una manera radical. Su vida es un viaje desde el glamour de Hollywood hasta un barrio marginal en Port-au-Prince donde hoy Gerry opera un hogar de esperanza y curación para 60 niños abandonados. Durante los últimos 8 años, Gerry ha convertido las primeras horas de la mañana en el momento de atender su propia pobreza espiritual interior. El fruto de vivir en un orfanato ocupado y encontrar las horas solitarias de silencio son las lecciones espirituales que son un mensaje profético para nuestro tiempo.

Regístrese en

Diocesan Assembly 2023: Share your Encounter Asamblea Diocesana 2023: Platicando Tu Encuentro on Sept. 30.

Catholics of the diocese are invited to participate in Diocesan Assembly 2023: Share your Encounter-Asamblea Diocesana 2023: Platicando Tu Encuentro from 8:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 30 at Cathedral Square Center. This year’s keynote speaker will be Father René Constanza, CSP, president of the Paulist Fathers and former rector/pastor of the Cathedral of Saint Andrew and executive director of the Catholic Information Center.

The conference will be offered in-person and online.

  • · The in-person and livestreamed sessions will be presented concurrently in English and Spanish.
  • · Cost of the in-person event is $15 (includes lunch)
  • · Registration to attend via livestream is free.

For registration info: Contact Jen at


Read about the great things happening in our Catholic schools!

Annual Report for Catholic Schools 2022-23
The Office of Catholic Schools is pleased to share its 2022-23 Annual Report for Catholic schools in the Diocese of Grand Rapids. This report highlights our schools' tremendous efforts, quantifies their successes, and shares inspiring stories from our 31 schools in West Michigan. Use the QR code to read about the good things happening in Catholic schools! This report also can be found on A printed copy of the report will accompany the June issue of FAITH Grand Rapids magazine, or to request a copy, call 616-475-1240.

OR you can publish the following graphic:

¡Lea sobre las grandes cosas que suceden en nuestras escuelas Católicas!

Informe Anual de las Escuelas Católicas 2022-23

La Oficina de Escuelas Católicas se complace en compartir su Informe Anual 2022-23 para las escuelas católicas en la Diócesis de Grand Rapids. Este informe destaca los tremendos esfuerzos de nuestras escuelas, cuantifica sus éxitos y comparte historias inspiradoras de nuestras 31 escuelas en el oeste de Michigan. ¡Use el código QR para leer sobre las cosas buenas que suceden en las escuelas católicas! Este informe también se puede encontrar en Una copia impresa del informe acompañará la edición de junio de la revista FAITH Grand Rapids, o para solicitar una copia, llame al 616-475-1240.

O puedes publicar el siguiente gráfico:

Parish Festival Guide 2023 I Guía de Fiestas Parroquiales 2023

Mark your calendar for parish festivals happening throughout the diocese this summer and fall! For details and locations, visit the Diocese of Grand Rapids 2023 Parish Festival Guide at I Marque en su calendario los festivales parroquiales que se llevarán a cabo en toda la diócesis este verano y otoño! Para obtener detalles y ubicaciones, visit.

 Click Here I Haga Click Aquí

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