Holy Day Mass Schedule

OUR FAITH, OUR FUTURE - A Plan for the Diocese of Grand Rapids

Dear Parishioners:

The first steps of our diocesan planning process are well under way.  We are one of the first three deaneries that have been chosen to initiate this process.  Last week there was a meeting of our deanery (which roughly consists of Ottawa County) held at St. Mary’s, Marne.  The Meitler Consultants presented to representatives of our parishes and schools the preliminary results of the initial meetings of pastors, principals and parish leaders.  They also have collected some data about the area parishes and schools.  We had the opportunity to discuss some trends and their implications for our parish life.

NUESTRA FE, NUESTRO FUTURO - Proceso de Planeación de la Diócesis de Grand Rapids

Queridos Feligreses:

Guadalupanas Brunch


Free* Electronics Recycling

El sábado 31 de Octubre a las 6:00 pm

Trunk or Treat

Despedida al P. William Perez, Domingo, 20 de Septiembre despues de la Misa de 12:30pm

Es con gran tristeza que les comunico a ustedes que el P. William Perez no continuará aquí en nuestra parroquia. Su obispo ha solicitado su regreso a la Diócesis en Colombia.

El P. William será extrañado por muchos; el ha compartido sus talentos ofreciendo una formación tanto de las escrituras como espiritual y teológica a nuestra comunidad hispana. Estoy agradecido por su apoyo y cuidado pastoral a nuestra parroquia y a la Iglesia de San Anthony del municipio de Robinson, durante los dos años y medio que estuvo con nosotros.
Enviemos al P. William con nuestras oraciones para que Dios continúe bendiciéndolo en su ministerio sacerdotal.

P. Charlie Brown


Bendición especial para profesionales médicos y trabajadores de la salud

Family Hayride at Teusink's Farm

New Website

Fr. William Perez's Farewell Celebration Sunday 9-20-09 after 12:30pm Mass

It is with sadness that I announce to you that Fr. William Perez will be leaving us. His Bishop has called him back to his Diocese in Colombia.

Fr. William will be missed by many; he has generously shared his gifts providing theological, scripture and spiritual formation to many individuals and groups in the Hispanic community.

I am very grateful for the support and pastoral care he has provided to our parish and St. Anthony in Robinson Township in the two and half years he has been with us.

Let us send Fr. William with our prayers that God continues to bless him in his priestly ministry.
Fr. Charlie Brown

Parish Festival

To see more information about the parish festival - please click here
