Loving God, I thank you for the gift of life you gave and continue to give to me and to all of us. Merciful God, I ask your pardon and forgiveness for my own failure and the failure of all people to respect and foster all forms of life in our universe.Gracious God, I pray that with your grace, I and all people will reverence, protect, and promote all life and that we will be especially sensitive to the life of the unborn, the abused, neglected, disabled, and the elderly. I pray, too, that all who make decisions about life in any form will do so with wisdom, love, and courage. Living God, I praise and glorify you as Father, Source of all life, as Son, Savior of our lives, and as Spirit, Sanctifier of our lives. Amen
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- Advance Medical Directives: Planning for Your Future - English / en español
- An Adoption Love Story - English / en español
- Children as Commodities? - English / en español
- Healing within Marriage from an Abortion - English / en español
- Poverty and Abortion: A Vicious Cycle - English / en español
- Solace and Strength in the Sorrow of Miscarriage - English / en español
Children's Activities:
- Pro-Life Novena - Activity Sheet (grades four and up) - This is a novena (a nine day prayer) that involves praying the Rosary. Here is a link to a guide to praying the scriptural Rosary.
- Pro-life Game (ages 6 and up)
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