On Pentecost, May 24, 2015, three adults from St. Francis de Sales celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Cathedral of St. Andrew in Grand Rapids. They were confirmed by Bishop David J. Walkowiak in the presence of fellow Catholics from around the diocese as well as Fr. Charlie, family, and friends. Please keep them in prayer as they continue their faith journey now filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
It's a good time to reflect on the meaning and purpose of this sacrament of initiation. Learn why it is called the “Sacrament of the Holy Spirit” and about the seven gifts the Holy Spirit bestows on the confirmed. Take a look at the Catechism of the Catholic Church to learn more - http://bit.ly/1DPRTri.
En el Pentecostés, el 24 de mayo 2015, tres adultos de St. Francis de Sales celebraron el sacramento de confirmación en el catedral de San Andrés, Grand Rapids. Que oramos por ellos mientras que siguen creciendo en fe.
Es un buen momento para reflexionar sobre el significado y el propósito de este sacramento de iniciación. Averigua por qué se le llama “Sacramento del Espíritu Santo” y cuáles son los siete dones que el Espíritu Santo confiere a los confirmados. http://bit.ly/1IxDbvO