(If you are looking for information for the Spanish Lenten Retreat, please click here or call the parish office at 616-392-6700)
Our Lenten retreat begins at 8:00 a.m. with tea and coffee available to start the morning.
Our morning together will explore themes in Spes non confundit (Hope Does Not Disappoint), Pope Francis's document for the Jubilee Year. Using the themes of Hope, Reasons to Hope (Signs of the Times), and Hopeful Action, the morning will include large group presentations, small group discussions, and prayer. We end with a light lunch of soup and bread served at 11:30.
The recommended donation for this retreat is $10. Donate online at https://onrealm.org/stfrancis/give/lenten-retreat
If you have any questions, please reach out to Susan Bippley (sbippley@stfrancisholland.org, 616-392-6700 x8983) in the parish office.
A portion of the retreat morning will be in small groups. Please let us know your age grouping for these small groups.