Did you know that the international organization known as the Knights of Columbus is 142 years old? That we were founded by a parish priest, Blessed Fr. Michael J. McGivney? That Pope St. John Paul II called the Knights the strong right arm of the church? Did you know that Knights change lives and save lives through our “Faith in Action Programs”? Did you know the local Holland Council has been named "Star Council" for the past four consecutive years!! 


You can be part of changing lives and saving lives by joining us. Go to www.kofc.org/joinus and become a Knight today. Online membership is free if you use promo code BLESSEDMCGIVNEY. After joining us online, our Council, St. John Neumann #7115 will contact you so you can transfer into our Council.

If you have any questions, please can contact me, Bill Snowdin directly at 616-403-8366 or bill.snowdin@gmail.com 


Thank you and Welcome to the Knights of Columbus.