¨ What Principles Should Guide Our Adult Formation Program?


As a whole, the group reached consensus on five principles that will help guide the program in the future and inform all offerings:


1. Diversity—not only be open and welcoming, but also promote the respect of difference

2. Faith development—an attention to tradition, explanation and meaning, emphasizing adults

3. Personal initiative—recognize this existing value and broadcast this value as a shared              expectation

4. Reaching the underserved—driven by our faith, our compassion and our initiative

5. Stewardship—we have identified ourselves as this type of parish in recognition of God’s gifts to us


¨ Conclusions

We want to look back in three years and say, “This year’s conference made a big difference in the adult formation program and the lives of parishioners.”  The conference provided valuable information that will be used to confidently design and offer programs that are supported by a representative cross section of the English-speaking community. We commit to honoring the work of conference participants. Remember the  principle of “personal initiative”  mentioned above (#3 at the top of this page)?   Committees are forming to design and sponsor new programs.


* Would being more involved help you grow?


* Will you take the personal initiative and call Marilyn Torborg at 392-6700, ext 111 to share your interests, ideas, and energy around the issue of adults growing in faith?


The Challenge to You:    

“How is God calling you to grow in your faith?