¨ Personal Stories

In solitude, participants were asked to reflect on and record their three most profound faith experiences. 

· Of the 106 experiences written about, all but 31 fell into five (very) general categories:


1. Intensive courses—JustFaith, RCIA, reverse mission trips, retreats, work camps, etc.

2. Family catechesis—monthly family program, grew up in an active family, a family mentor, etc.

3. Celebration of the sacraments as adults—self or a loved one (baptism, confirmation, confession)

4. Illness or Death—the response of the community or the experience of being accompanied

5. Active involvement in the parish—catechist,    committees, outreach, Corpus Christi School



¨ Early Recommendations

After sharing their personal stories and before any attempt to reach consensus on future program offerings, small groups were asked to make three           recommendations of what they’d like to see offered. Space allows for listing only the most frequent recommendations (in no particular order):


1. Bible study—in various ways and could include a focus on Sunday scripture readings

2. Family faith formation

3. Social activities

4. Service opportunities, reverse and traditional mission trips

5. Communication about existing programs and presenting current programs at alternate times

6. Experiences that span a considerable period of time—JustFaith, support groups, retreats, Small Christian Communities

7. RCIA follow up—(not just for recent grads), “RCIA for the Already Catholic”

8. Provide a clearinghouse of resources—include online resources, books, daily devotions, chat room