Are Small Groups Like a Bible Study?

Small groups read the Bible but they do not approach Scripture with academic interests. Instead the group reads Scripture with the goal of drawing closer to Christ and having that encounter with Him in Scripture transform their lives. Naturally, through this process people learn more about the Bible but the ultimate goal is to encounter Christ in His Word.

What is a Typical Small Group Experience Like?

There are usually 4 to 10 people in a group. The group gathers together and has some free sharing time about their personal lives. The small group facilitator then gathers all to start the evening with prayer. Together the group reads the upcoming Sunday Readings and then digs into it through a series of questions led by the small group facilitator. These questions help particpants to see the Scripture with new "eyes" and to hear what Christ is trying to communicate to them and how to apply this to their life.

What Happens if I don't Know Much or I'm Not Catholic or Christian?

Small Groups are open to all! They are easy to join and you will feel comfortable no matter where you are in your faith journey. We work very hard to make our small groups welcoming to people of all walks of life.

How Often Do Small Groups Meet and for How Long?

Small groups meet weekly and for 60 minutes.

What's My Committment if I Join a Small Group?

Just 6 weeks. After that you have the choice of whether to continue or say that small groups aren't for you.

What Kind of Groups are There?

We currently have groups that are mixed gendered and generationed.  We are open to forming groups divided by gender and age and groups for couples as desired.